A true mixed-use destination

Located in a bustling area of Kuala Lumpur, Bukit Bintang City Centre (BBCC) will celebrate and perpetuate the lush landscape of Malaysia amidst a dense, comprehensive destination of life and leisure. The new development will build upon its storied past to propel its town of Pudu into a new chapter of urban progress. With the site's old prison gate preserved as a historic glimpse of its beginnings, BBCC will be juxtaposed as a vision of rebirth. As the gate welcomes a redefined coexistence and gathering of people, the spaces beyond set the stage for a future that rises along Kuala Lumpur's cultural confluence and local community.

At a Glance

Project Type

Mixed-Use, Residential, Retail, Hospitality, Open/Public Space


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


19 Acres




Architecture, Planning
world map
Single Image
Conceptual Site Plan

The project sits at the intersection of major public transit lines and vehicular corridors and will border a new city transit hub. Multiple new developments neighbor the site, activating the city as visitors explore the evolving commercial and entertainment crossway from the planned hub. Set upon the last undeveloped piece of park land in the surrounding area, BBCC aims to maintain its organic connection to its community.

Districts & Planning
Districts & Programming
Location map
Location Map
A true mixed-use project that complements the 24hr life cycle of Malaysian lifestyles.
A true mixed-use project that complements the 24hr life cycle of Malaysian lifestyles.
Boutique St.
Boutique St.
Interior waterfall + text

Bukit Bintang City Centre (BBCC) is a visionary, state-of-the-art integrated development designed to complement and enhance the city's cosmopolitan vibe. Strategically situated on a 19.4-acre site within the Golden Triangle, BBCC offers a complete cosmopolitan lifestyle that encompasses modern residential suites, hotels, retail, an entertainment hub, and a transit hub. Green lungs are threaded through the development to create a series of parks, gardens, and green pockets.

Exterior retail
Boutique St.
Single Image

Next Project

Macquarie Town Center

Sydney, Australia
A highly livable and sustainable city center